Notre Dame Clavius Activities Summer of 2005
Hugh Albright FSC Tom Banchoff Adam Bartoszek John Blanton Tom Cecil Lawrence Conlon Margaret Freije Richard Freije Pedro Ferreira SJ James Heitsch Michele Intermont Ron Knill Jack Lutts Maura Mast |
Michael May SJ John Poluikis CSB Sr Barbara Reynolds SDS Patrick Ryan Paul Schweitzer SJ Dennis Snow Joanne Snow James Stasheff William Stoeger SJ Pedro Suarez SJ Andrius Tamulis Carlos Vasco Julio Vidaurrazaga Pawel Walczak Andrew Whitman SJ |
Jonathan Engel, Penn State University
Ellen Gasparovic, College of the Holy Cross
Heather Johnson, College of the Holy Cross
Clavius Community Notes
2005 Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana
Meeting #43: 3 July to 30 July
At the invitation of the University of Notre Dame and its Department of Mathematics, and with the help of Dr. James Powell, Associate Dean of the Graduate School and Director of Summer Session, the Clavius group gathered at Notre Dame for its forty-third session. We were provided with a lecture room (Hayes-Healy 117) for our seminars and talks and access to office space, photocopying, printing services, email and the web. As on our previous visits to Notre Dame we were housed in the O’Hara-Grace Graduate Residences. Each unit had a bedroom, bath, kitchen and gathering area. One of the units was used for daily Mass, another for social hours, and a third for community-prepared suppers as well as pick-up lunches. The arrangement made it possible for us to continue our vibrant community life. The participants this summer consisted of four Jesuits, one other priest, one sister, nine married couples, three other lay persons and three guests. Twenty Clavius mathematicians participated in the mathematical sessions, along with several members of the Notre Dame faculty. Many guests from the Notre Dame community joined in celebrating the feast of St. Ignatius with Mass in the Commons followed by a buffet dinner.
Dedication to the Rev. Joseph MacDonnell, SJ
An overview of Clavius’ life and work
Paul Schweitzer, SJ
Departmento de Matematica, Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio de Janiero
Clavius’ contribution to the Gregorian calendar reform
Dennis Snow
Department of Mathematics, University of Notre Dame
What’s so great about mathematics? Some Renaissance responses
Robert Goulding, Program in the History and Philosophy of Science, University of Notre Dame
The Clavius Project, Putting Clavius’ Opera Matematica on line
Parker Ladwig, Mathematics Library, University of Notre Dame
Memorial Mass for Rev. John MacDonnell, SJ and Rev. Joseph MacDonnell, SJ
Rev. Andrew P. Whitman, SJ, Celebrant and Homilist
Paul Schweitzer lecturing on Clavius’ life and work
Andy Whitman celebrating the Memorial Mass
The Opera Matematica on line can be found at
Faith Discussions 2005
July 11, Discussion led by Lori Ryan, based on a talk by Bishop Pedro Casaldaliga Pia on “Another way of being Church”
July 14, Discussion led by Fr. Theodore Hesburgh, CSC, on the role of a Catholic university
July 25, Discussion led by Sr. Barbara Reynolds, SDS, on the role of Rev. John Courtney Murray in clarifying Church-State relations, especially in the US
Seminars 2005
Clavius Colloquium
July 11: Paul Schweitzer, Foliations of closed 4-manifolds whose leaves have Thurston geometries
July 15: Paul Schweitzer, An extension of Arnol’d’s asymptotic linking invariant for flows to actions of Rk [work of Jos Luis Lizarbe-Chira]
July 22: Thomas Banchoff, Cartan’s isoparametric 3-manifolds: the polyhedral version
July 25: Andrius Tamulis, Fra Luca Pacioli: An introduction
Special Topics Seminar
July 8, 11: Jonathan Engle, Loop Quantum Gravity
July 12: Jonathan Engle, Symmetry in Quantum Field Theory
July 15: Dennis Snow, Estimating canonical imbedding dimensions using representation theory
July 18: Michele Intermont, The sound of algebra
July 19: Pawel Walczak, Surfaces and foliations with constant conformal invariants
July 26: Mike May, Enhancing Calculus with a collection of Java applets
July 26: Barbara Reynolds, Making the mathematics visible: Deeper understanding through dynamic geometry
July 26: Christine Heitsch, Combinatorial results motivated by computational biology
July 27: Thomas Banchoff, Impossibility of imbedding the projective plane and the Klein bottle in E3
July 28: James Heitsch, Index theory and noncommutative geometry
Differential Geometry Seminar
July 7, 8, 11, 12: Patrick Ryan, A new class of ruled real hypersurfaces in complex hyperbolic space
July 14, 15, 18: Thomas Cecil, Introduction to Lie sphere geometry
July 18: Ellen Gasparovic and Heather Johnson, Isometries of the hyperbolic plane
July 19: Cabral Balreira (University of Notre Dame), Invertibility and the topology of hyperplane sections
Seminar on Real Representations of Real Semisimple Lie Algebras
Andy Whitman
July 5: Orientation and review
July 7, 11: Solvable Lie algebras
July 19, 22: Semisimple Lie algebras and the Killing form
July 25 The Casimir operator
Working Seminar on the Relation between Physics and Mathematics
In this working seminar, participants presented material from selected portions of the text: The Geometry of Physics, by Theodore Frankel
July 11, 13, 15, 19: Julio Vidaurrazaga, Mathematics and Physics (from ch. 17 of Frankel)
July 18: John Poluikis: Introduction to Lie algebras
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Clavius Activities at Boston College in 2007
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Clavius Activities at Notre Dame in 2005
Proceedings of the Symposium on Christopher Clavius held at Notre Dame in 2005
Clavius Activities at Boston College in 2004
Clavius Activities at the Institut des Hautes Études Scientifique in 2003
Clavius Activities at Fairfield University in 2002
Clavius Activities at the Institute for Advanced Study in 2001
Clavius Activities at Notre Dame in 2000
Clavius Activities at Holy Cross in 1999
Clavius Activities at Fairfield University in 1998
Clavius Activities at the Institut des Hautes Études Scientifique in 1997
Clavius Activities at Boston College in 1996
Clavius Activities at Notre Dame in 1995
Clavius Activities at the Institute for Advanced Study in 1994
Clavius Activities at Boston College in 1993
Clavius Activities at the Institut des Hautes Études Scientifique in 1992